China highway collapse: Vice Premier in Guangdong to oversee rescue efforts

BEIJING (AP) — China has sent a vice premier to oversee recovery efforts and urged better safety measures after a highway collapse killed at least 48 people in the country’s mountainous south.

The official Xinhua News Agency on Friday said Vice Premier Zhang Guoqing had “stressed sparing no effort in carrying out rescue and relief work.”

The dispatch of Zhang, who is also a member of one of the ruling Communist Party’s leading bodies, illustrates the concern over a possible public backlash over the disaster, the latest in a series of deadly infrastructure failures. References to the collapse, which left a huge gash in the side of a cliff over which the highway was built, largely disappeared from public media on Friday.

Zhang’s presence follows calls by President Xi Jinping and the Communist Party’s No. 2 official, Premier Li Qiang, to swiftly handle the tragedy. About 30 other victims were hospitalized. Three people were being identified by DNA samples, though it wasn’t clear whether they had died as well.